Regardless of the intended pathway, all freshmen start in the same course. This course offers a great foundation in both patient care as well as biomedical science, allowing students the opportunity to explore both pathways before committing to a specific track for the remainder of their high school career.
Grade 9: Medical Skills and Services Honors (1 credit)
This program offers a sequence of courses that provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the Health Science career cluster; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the Health Science career cluster.
The purpose of this program is to give students an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills related to the area of Health Science career cluster.
The content includes but is not limited to practical generic skills in health occupations.
** Once a track is selected at the end of the 9th grade year, it will be very difficult to move to another track. The coursework does not overlap in grades 10-12 patient care or biomedical science. **
Our two tracks