Health Academy

Academy of Health Careers at Seminole High SchoolThe Academy of Health Careers at Seminole High School offers a hands-on approach to two very different components of health care: patient care and biomedical science. Health Academy students all start in the same course for 9th grade and then will split into a patient care track or the biomedical track for coursework in grades 10-12. Students must maintain a specific GPA and complete core courses successfully in order to remain in good standing in the Academy.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Academy of Health Careers at Seminole High School is to afford students a rigorous interdisciplinary instructional program that ensures relevant preparation for entry in the health care industry and to pursue health careers at the post-secondary level upon graduation. The mission is achieved through a strong partnership with the health industry, community, and with institutes of higher learning.

Our Vision

"A culture of excellence in healthcare education."

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