2020-2021 Incoming IB 9th Graders Curriculum Night
Here is the PowerPoint from the February 19th presentation to the incoming IB 9th grade parents and students. This PowerPoint contains course registration information plus general information that may be helpful. To view/download the power point click here.
IB Admission Information
There are two IB programs in Seminole County Public Schools. Placement is based upon the child's zoned school of attendance. As such, students zoned for Seminole, Lake Mary, Lyman, and Lake Brantley are eligible to apply for the SHS IB Diploma Program. Students zoned for Winter Springs, Hagerty, Oviedo and Lake Howell are eligible to apply for the Winter Springs IB Diploma Program. The Seminole High School ninth grade Pre-IB program has no grade point average, test score, or course prerequisite requirements. As with all Seminole County Public Schools, students must reside in Seminole County, complete the eighth grade, and complete the Student Assignment and Program Access Middle and High School Magnet School/Program application.
Students requesting admission for grades 10 through 12 should first contact the IB Office at Seminole High School by calling 407-320-5295.
Applications for magnet programs are available at all middle and high school guidance offices and available at the:
Educational Support Center
400 East Lake Mary Boulevard
Sanford, Florida 32773
For more information, contact the Student Assignment and Program Access office at (407) 320-0329 or visit their website.